Erlang で LinkedList

Erlang に慣れるために、LinkedList を書いてみました。


プリミティブなリスト(言い方が正確ではないかもしれませんが)を使ったほうが 10 倍くらい早いです。


実装は こちらのサイト を参考にさせて頂きました。
API については を参考にさせて頂きました。

list, node という 2 種類のレコードを用意し、 node の next という要素に次の node が入るようにしました。



-record(list, {head, length = 0}).
-record(node, {data, next}).

new() ->

new_node(Data) ->

head(List) ->

next(Node) ->

length(List) ->

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Append the specified Node to the end of the list.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
add(Data, List) when List =:= #list{} ->
    % when the list is empty
    % create new node (= head node)
    #list{head = new_node(Data), length = 1};
add(Data, List) ->
    % when the list is not empty
    NewHead = append_node(Data, head(List)),
    NewLength = linkedlist:length(List) + 1,
    #list{head = NewHead, length = NewLength}.
append_node(Data, Node) when =:= undefined ->
    % when the node does not know the next node (= the Node is Tail Node)
    Node#node{next = new_node(Data)};
append_node(Data, Node) ->
    % when the node know the next node
    % re-construct the Node
    Node#node{next = append_node(Data,}.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Inserts the specified Node at the specified position in the list.
% Shifts the Node currently at that position (if any)
% and any subsequent Nodess to the right. 
% @throw indexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified index is out of range 
% (index < 0 || index >= size()).
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
add(_, Index, List) when ((List#list.length < Index) or (Index < 0)) ->
    % if the specified position is larger than List length,
    % throw excpetion.
add(Data, Index, List) when List#list.length =:= Index ->
    % if the specified position is same as the List length,
    % appends Node to the end of the list.
add(Data, Index, List) when Index =:= 0 ->
    % if the specified position is 0,
    % insert the Node at the first position (=Head Node)
    add_first(Data, List);
add(Data, Index, List) ->
    % inserts Node at the specified position.
    NewHead = insert_node(Data, Index, 0, List#list.head),
    NewLength = linkedlist:length(List) + 1,
    #list{head = NewHead, length = NewLength}.

insert_node(Data, Index, Current, Node) when Index =:= Current ->
    % constructs the subsequent Node(s)
    #node{data = Data, next = Node};
insert_node(Data, Index, Current, Node) ->
    % steps forward
    NextNode = insert_node(Data, Index, Current + 1,,
    Node#node{next = NextNode}.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Inserts the given Node at the beginning of this list.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
add_first(Data, List) ->
    NewHead = #node{data = Data, next = head(List)},
    NewLength = linkedlist:length(List) + 1,
    #list{head = NewHead, length = NewLength}.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Append the specified Node to the end of the list.
% (Identical in add/2 function; included only for consistency.) 
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
add_last(Data, List) ->
    add(Data, List).

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Removes the head Node of this list.
% @throw noSuchElementException - if this list is empty.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
remove(List) when List#list.head =:= undefined ->
remove(List) ->
    #list{head = (List#list.head), length = List#list.length -1}.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Removes the Node at the specified position in this list.
% Shifts any subsequent Nodes to the left (subtracts one from their indices). 
% @throw indexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
remove(Index, List) when ((List#list.length < Index) or (Index < 0)) ->
remove(Index, List) when Index =:= 0 ->
    % if the specified position is 0,
    % removes the first Node (= Head Node)
remove(Index, List) when Index =:= List#list.length - 1 ->
    % if the specified position is the last position,
    % removes the last Node (= Tail Node)
remove(Index, List) ->
    % removes the Node at the specified position
    NewHead = remove_node(Index, 0, List#list.head),
    NewLength = List#list.length - 1,
    #list{head = NewHead, length = NewLength}.
remove_node(Index, Current, Node) when Index =:= Current ->
    % constructs the subsequent Node(s)
    NextNode =,
    #node{data =, next =};

remove_node(Index, Current, Node) ->
    % steps forward
    NextNode = remove_node(Index, Current + 1,,
    Node#node{next = NextNode}.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Removes the Node of at the begining of this list (=Head Node).
% (Identical in remove/0 function; included only for consistency.) 
% @throw noSuchElementException - if this list is empty.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
remove_first(List) ->

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Removes and returns the last Node from this list.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
remove_last(List) -> 
    NewHead = remove_last(List#list.head, List),
    NewLength = List#list.length - 1,
    #list{head = NewHead, length = NewLength}.

remove_last(Node, _) when =:= undefined ->
remove_last(Node, List) ->
    % steps forward
    NextNode = remove_last(, List),
    Node#node{next = NextNode}.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Returns true if this list contains the specified Node. 
% More formally, returns true if and only if this list contains at least one Node.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
contains(_, List) when List#list.length =:= 0 ->
contains(Data, List) ->
    search_data(Data, List#list.head).

search_data(Data, Node) when Data =:= ->
search_data(_, Node) when =:= undefined ->
search_data(Data, Node) ->

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Gets the Nth Node from the list
% @throw indexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
nth(Index, List) when ((List#list.length < Index) or (Index < 0)) -> 
nth(Index, List) ->
    nth(Index, 0, List#list.head).

nth(Index, Current, Node) when Index =:= Current ->
nth(Index, Current, Node) ->
    % steps forward
    nth(Index, Current + 1,

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Replaces the Node at the specified position in this list with the specified Node. 
% @throw indexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set(_, Index, List) when ((List#list.length < Index) or (Index < 0)) ->
    % if the specified position is larger than List length,
    % throw excpetion.
set(Data, Index, List) ->
    % replaces Node at the specified position.
    NewHead = insert_node(Data, Index, 0, List#list.head),
    NewLength = linkedlist:length(List) + 1,
    #list{head = NewHead, length = NewLength}.

set_node(Data, Index, Current, Node) when Index =:= Current ->
    % constructs the subsequent Node(s)
    #node{data = Data, next = Node};
set_node(Data, Index, Current, Node) ->
    % steps forward
    NextNode = insert_node(Data, Index, Current + 1,,
    Node#node{next = NextNode}.





% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% test function
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
main() ->
%    DataList = [data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8],
    L = linkedlist:new(),
    test_list(L, "* New List"),
    L0 = linkedlist:add(data0, L),
    test_list(L0, "* add data0"),
    L1 = linkedlist:add(data1, L0),
    test_list(L1, "* add data1"),
    L2 = linkedlist:add(data2, L1),
    test_list(L2, "* add data2"),
    L3 = linkedlist:add_last(data3, L2),
    test_list(L3, "* add_last data3"),
    L4 = linkedlist:add_first(data4, L3),
    test_list(L4, "* add_first data4"),
    L5 = linkedlist:add(data5, 3, L4),
    test_list(L5, "* add data5 @ index=3"),
    L6 = linkedlist:remove(L5),
    test_list(L6, "* remove (head)"),
    L7 = linkedlist:remove_last(L6),
    test_list(L7, "* remove_last"),
    L8 = linkedlist:remove_first(L7),
    test_list(L8, "* remove_first"),

test_list(List, Description) ->
    io:format("~s~n", [Description]),


29> t_linkedlist:main().
* New List

* add data0

* add data1

* add data2

* add_last data3

* add_first data4

* add data5 @ index=3

* remove (head)

* remove_last

* remove_first



とりあえず、add_first と add_last をプリミティブのリストを使った場合と比較したいと思います。

プリミティブな List (?) を利用した実装

リストの Head に add するのは簡単ですが、Tail に add する場合の実装方法は考える必要がありました。

  1. 一旦 Node を全て Head に add して、最後の最後に lists:reverse/1 を行う方法
    • これだと、並行処理した場合に List 内要素の並び順が保証されないかも?
  2. 毎回 add する度に、 lists:reverse([Data|lists:reverse(List)]). とやる方法
    • lists:reverse のコストによっては凄く遅くなりそう。
  3. リスト結合の中間演算子 ++ を使う方法。
    • ex) List ++ [Data]
    • たぶん Joe に怒られる*1




new() ->

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Append the specified Node to the end of the list. (by reversing list each time)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
add(Data, List) ->

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Append the specified Node to the end of the list. (using ++ operator)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
poor_add(Data, List) ->
    List ++ [Data].

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Inserts the given Node at the beginning of this list.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
add_first(Data, List) ->


たくさん ノードを add してみました。

# of Nodes (nodes) linkedlist (microseconds) prim_list (microseconds)
1,000 141 38
2,000 242 91
3,000 321 126
4,000 417 144
5,000 572 179
10,000 1,037 428
20,000 2,617 811
30,000 3,485 1,065
40,000 4,683 2,076
50,000 5,888 1,950

プリミティブなリストの方が 3 倍程度早いですね。。。


プリミティブなリストには上記の 3 通りの方法 (最後に reverse する方法、毎回 reverse する方法、++ を使う方法) を試しました。

# of Nodes (nodes) linkedlist (microseconds) prim_list (microseconds)
reverse once reverse each time using ++
1,000 45,406 39 2,790 2,006
2,000 185,735 77 12,653 9,631
3,000 402,851 116 34,848 30,081
4,000 723,359 208 68,384 47,920
5,000 1,123,141 261 118,364 81,040
10,000 4,565,314 513 481,990 32,844
20,000 18,286,288 1,003 1,993,936 1,346,024
30,000 41,103,235 2,389 4,372,823 3,000,710
40,000 73,152,422 2,452 7,747,635 5,211,024
50,000 116,033,399 4,464 12,242,963 8,540,952

自作 linkedlist は話になりません。。。lists:reverse のコストは結構かかりますね。 add したい要素はまとめて Head に add して、最後に一度だけ lists:reverse/1 する方法が一番早いようです。


色々と funciton を書いたのですが、結局使い物にならない LinkedList を作ってしまいました。
しかし、Erlang での逐次プログラミングの書き方がほんの少しだけ分ってきた気がします。


自前 LinkedList の測定用コード



main(N) ->
    io:format("---- # of Nodes = ~p ----~n", [N]),
    display("Add Node at the beg", timer:tc(spec_linkedlist, test_add_first, [N])),
    display("Add Node to the end", timer:tc(spec_linkedlist, test_add_last, [N])),
display(Description, {Time, ok}) ->
    io:format("~p: Time = [~p] microseconds~n", [Description, Time]).

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Test function to Append N Nodes to the end of the list
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_add_last(N) ->
    List = linkedlist:new(),
    add_last_for(1, N, List),

add_last_for(N, N, List) -> linkedlist:add(N, List);
add_last_for(I, N, List) -> add_last_for(I+1, N, linkedlist:add(I, List)).

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Test function to Append N Nodes at the begining of the list
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_add_first(N) ->
    List = linkedlist:new(),
    add_first_for(1, N, List),

add_first_for(N, N, List) -> linkedlist:add_first(N, List);
add_first_for(I, N, List) -> add_first_for(I+1, N, linkedlist:add_first(I, List)).

main(N) ->
    io:format("---- # of Nodes = ~p ----~n", [N]),
    display("Add Node at the beg                               ", timer:tc(spec_primlist, test_add_first, [N])),
    display("Add Node to the end (reverse once)                ", timer:tc(spec_primlist, test_add_rev_once, [N])),
    display("Add Node to the end (reverse each time)           ", timer:tc(spec_primlist, test_add_rev, [N])),
    display("Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)", timer:tc(spec_primlist, test_poor_add, [N])),
display(Description, {Time, ok}) ->
    io:format("~p: Time = [~p] microseconds~n", [Description, Time]).

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Test function for Append N Nodes to the end of the list.
%  (reverse each time)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_add_rev(N) ->
    List = prim_list:new(),
    add_rev_for(1, N, List),

add_rev_for(N, N, List) -> prim_list:add(N, List);
add_rev_for(I, N, List) -> add_rev_for(I+1, N, prim_list:add(I, List)).

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Test function for Append N Nodes to the end of the list.
%  (poor implementation using ++)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_poor_add(N) ->
    List = prim_list:new(),
    poor_add_for(1, N, List),

poor_add_for(N, N, List) -> prim_list:poor_add(N, List);
poor_add_for(I, N, List) -> poor_add_for(I+1, N, prim_list:poor_add(I, List)).

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Test function for Append N Nodes to the end of the list.
%  (reverse at the end of adding Nodes process) 
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_add_rev_once(N) ->
    List = prim_list:new(),
    lists:reverse(add_first_for(1, N, List)),

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Test function for Append N Nodes at the begining of the list.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_add_first(N) ->
    List = prim_list:new(),
    add_first_for(1, N, List),

add_first_for(N, N, List) -> prim_list:add_first(N, List);
add_first_for(I, N, List) -> add_first_for(I+1, N, prim_list:add_first(I, List)).

51> lists:map(fun(N) -> spec_primlist:main(N) end, L).
---- # of Nodes = 1000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [38] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [39] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [2790] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [2006] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 2000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [91] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [77] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [12653] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [9631] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 3000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [126] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [116] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [34838] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [30081] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 4000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [144] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [208] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [68384] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [47920] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 5000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [179] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [261] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [118364] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [81040] microseconds
52> lists:map(fun(N) -> spec_linkedlist:main(N) end, L).
---- # of Nodes = 1000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [141] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [45406] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 2000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [242] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [185735] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 3000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [321] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [402851] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 4000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [417] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [723359] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 5000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [572] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [1123141] microseconds
53> L1 = [10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000].
54> lists:map(fun(N) -> spec_primlist:main(N) end, L1).
---- # of Nodes = 10000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [428] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [513] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [481990] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [328444] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 20000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [811] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [1003] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [1993936] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [1346024] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 30000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [1065] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [2389] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [4372823] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [3000710] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 40000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [2076] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [2452] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [7747635] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [5211024] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 50000 ----
"Add Node at the beg ": Time = [1950] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse once) ": Time = [4466] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (reverse each time) ": Time = [12242963] microseconds
"Add Node to the end (poor implemantation using ++)": Time = [8540952] microseconds
55> lists:map(fun(N) -> spec_linkedlist:main(N) end, L1).
---- # of Nodes = 10000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [1037] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [4565314] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 20000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [2617] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [18286288] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 30000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [3485] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [41103235] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 40000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [4683] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [73152422] microseconds
---- # of Nodes = 50000 ----
"Add Node at the beg": Time = [5888] microseconds
"Add Node to the end": Time = [116033399] microseconds

*1:「もし次のようなコードを見かけたら: List ++ [H] 頭の中で警報が鳴り響くようでないといけない。」- プログラミング Erlang P.53